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Prayer Spaces in Schools

CaSS is building up a range of Prayer Space resources for loan. Please contact us to find out more, or if you would like some help with setting up a Prayer Space in your school.

Advent Prayer Space Resource

CaSS has created an Advent prayer space for schools for children from Year 1 to Year 6. Advent/Christmas is a busy time for schools, but it is a time when schools are often open to experiencing the season through interactive and reflective activities. There are nine Advent themes: Good News, Hope, Peace, Light, Waiting, Gifts, Doors, Love and Joy.  These are all areas that those of all faiths and none can relate to.

There is a general information sheet (click on the image or title to download this) and also instruction sheets for each activity to print and put out in the prayer space (you’ll need to download each of these separately - just click on the individual themes above). We hope you find it a useful and thought provoking activity to use with children in your school or group.

Watch CaSS' Fiona Walton discussing her experience of running the advent prayer space in a Sheffield school 2022 at  a Prayer Spaces in Schools online training event.


BeSpace is is a Christian project dedicated to helping people create spaces just to 'be'. They work with churches, schools and communities to create prayer spaces. Visit their website for more information including advice, resources and a ticklist for setting up a prayer space.

Hope resource box

STC Sheffield has kindly donated a box of 34 bauble shaped wooden decorations with the word 'Hope' inscribed on them. Please contact us at if you would like to borrow them.

One Friday Project

As part of the One Friday Project to tell the story of Jesus on Good Friday, a set of 14 posters has been produced that follow the stations of the Cross. You can download them by clicking on the image or title.

They would be a good starting point for an Easter-themed prayer space, looking at questions such as:

  • What makes you feel sad?

  • Who do you want to remember?

  • What do you want to say sorry for?

  • What would you like forgiveness for?

  • How can you help or look after your mum?

Prayer Spaces in Schools

Prayer Spaces in Schools 'enable children and young people to explore faith and spirituality from a broadly Christian perspective in a safe, creative and interactive way'. More information here. A nine-step guide to setting up a Prayer Space.

Read Fiona's interview with Phil Togwell, Director of Prayer Spaces in Schools.

Follow Prayer Spaces in Schools on Facebook for the latest news.

We'd love to hear from you!

Fiona: / 07812 855332


Postal address (please note we do not have an office here and it is for post only):

Christians and Sheffield Schools, c/o Bents Green Methodist Church, Ringinglow Road, Sheffield, S11 7PU

Registered charity no: 1007305

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