Festivals - Easter and Lent

Bible Society have created two Easter story animated videos for children:
Bristol Schools Connection has a great resource called Easter in a Box - The Movie. The Movie is a simple, fresh and imaginative way for churches to share the Easter story with their local schools. Children are invited to imagine they are on a movie set, watching the filming of ‘Easter – The Movie’. The plot of the movie is revealed as they unpack 6 boxes.
As part of the One Friday Project to tell the story of Jesus on Good Friday, a set of 14 paintings has been produced that follow the stations of the Cross. You can download them by clicking on the image or title.
They would be a good starting point for an Easter-themed prayer space, looking at questions such as:
What makes you feel sad?
Who do you want to remember?
What do you want to say sorry for?
What would you like forgiveness for?
How can you help or look after your mum?
The Meaningful Chocolate Company sells an Easter egg which has an Easter story book in the box, is made of Fairtrade chocolate and supports charitable projects. they also have Easter resources. Why not use the egg or resources for discussion in the classroom?
"We Were Eyewitnesses" - the events of Easter seen through the eyes of those who saw it first hand. This short film uses AI generated selfie images of the events of Easter to show what happened from the viewpoint of the people who were eyewitnesses to it. It will be great to use in the classroom or in church groups with children and young people. Click on the title or image to watch it on Youtube.