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RE Resources

Barnabas in Schools

Barnabas in Schools offers creative arts-based RE days to primary schools for pupils or teacher INSET days. The website also has books for sale and downloadable resources including assemblies. Click the image above to visit the website.

Bible Study Timelines

This resource is great for helping to understand the Bible's big picture with printable timelines. Most people learn piecemeal Bible history - jumping around from book to book, story to story. Sometimes it feels like the Bible is a giant puzzle that we never quite finish to reveal the big picture.  Bible Study Timelines are designed to tie the Bible's history together so that events, people and places start to make sense as a whole. Click on the image to visit the website to view/purchase some timelines.

CPO (Christian Publishing and Outreach)

CPO are a great source of resources useful for RE lessons, e.g. posters, stickers, cut out feet, palm leaves, Easter colouring etc. Click the image above to visit the website.

Christian Enquiry Agency

The Christian Enquiry Agency aims to reach people who have little previous knowledge of Jesus. It is a great resource for sharing the gospel. Click the image above to visit the website.

Equipping the Church

An online bookshop selling Christian resources from what used to be CLC bookshops.

Free Bible Images

Free Bible Images has a free sets of Bible story images for teaching. Over 1000 sets of Bible story scenes for you to view, project or download. Click on the image to visit the website.

Guardians of Ancora

Guardians of Ancora is a free tablet game for 8 to 11 year-olds offering an immersive interactive experience of Bible stories. Children enter this virtual world as Guardians of the city, called Ancora, and their challenge is to find the Bible stories that have been lost. Click the image above to visit the website.

Holy Selfies: AI-Generated Images of Biblical Figures Taking Selfies

A gallery of thought-provoking images of biblical figures, from Moses to Jesus, as if they were taking selfies with modern day cameras/smartphones. The images use AI technology to reimagine biblical stories and characters in a way that will engage children and young people in a new way. Click on the title or image to visit the website.

Jumping Fish Publications

Jumping Fish Publications via the Diocese of Gloucester website support RE teaching and family worship in churches. Lots of great resources and ideas. Click the image above to visit the website.

Lord Wharton Bibles

Lord Wharton's Bible Charity was founded in 1696 and provides free Bibles to children and young people. An application form and more information is on their website. Click the image above to visit the website.

Maydor Makes

Maydor Makes sells wooden games, spoon sets and peg dolls to use in Bible storytelling and play. Examples include disciples and fishing boat, Noah and his ark, and the Easter story. Click on the picture or title to visit the website.

NATRE (National Association of Teachers of Religious Education)

Lots of great RE resources for primary and secondary levels. Click the image above to visit the website. They also have a termly mailing which you can receive if you sign up as a member.

One Way UK

One Way UK is an inter-denominational children's ministry, specialising in equipping and training children's and youth workers. They sell a huge range of puppets, but also children's music and other resources. Click the image above to visit the website.

Paperless Christmas

A modern interpretation of the Christmas story in nine short video clips. Click the image above to view the video playlist on YouTube.

RE Syllabus

"Enquiring Minds & Open Hearts: Religious Education for all."

The Agreed Syllabus for RE in Sheffield 2014-2019. Click on the image above to open the document.

RE Today

The RE Today magazine is aimed at RE teachers and is published three times a year in September, January and April. You can receive the mailing if you sign up to membership of NATRE (National Association of Teachers of Religious Education). Click on the image to visit the website to find out more.


RE:Online is a wealth of information for RE teaching, including downloadable resources, assessment frameworks, a networking 'cafe' and lots more. Click on the image above to visit the website.


RE:quest is a great source of RE resources, lesson plans, videos, games and information for primary and secondary ages. There is a search facility to help find specific topics. Click on the image above to visit the website.

SACRE - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education

SACRE stands for Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education.

SACRE is constituted by law to advise locally on RE. It has the following duties:

To convene an Agreed Syllabus Conference to revise and recommend to us a local Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (RE) for all maintained schools age 4 to 19 in Sheffield.

Monitor the provision of RE in Sheffield schools, preparing an annual report to send to the National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education.

Advise Sheffield schools on Collective worship and consider requests from Head teachers for a determination to lift the requirement for it to be in the main Christian.

Advise Sheffield Schools on matters related to Religious Education and Collective Worship that arise from time to time.

Support Community Cohesion within the city.

SACRE meets 3 times each year, at various venues around the city. It is composed of 4 committees each with one vote with a casting vote held by the Chair. It may co-opt members from time to time who have no vote.

Click on the logo to find out more.

Spinnaker Trust

Spinnaker Trust prepares, delivers and distributes resources for Collective Worship and RE lessons, supporting schools and equipping schools workers. Check out their resources by clicking on their logo.

The Bristol Anglican Diocese

The Bristol Anglican Diocese website has lots of resources for RE lessons, collective worship and SMSC. Click the image above to visit the website.

The Future of RE

Read Fiona's interview about the Future of R.E. with Lat Blaylock, Editor of RE Today magazine, RE Advisor, Author of Sheffield RE Curriculum, as well as Author of several RE resources and a trainer in RE for teachers. Click the image above to read the interview.

The Jerusalem's Trust

The Jerusalem's Trust small grants to schools scheme awards grants of up to £600 to state Middle and Senior schools for the purchase of RE resources. Click the image above to visit the website.

The Meaningful Chocolate Company

The Meaningful Chocolate Company produce the Real Advent Calendar which contains 24 fairtrade chocolates, and a 28 page Christmas story activity booklet designed to be used each day in Advent. They also produce the Real Easter Egg. Click the image above to visit the website.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army website has RE resources for Primary, Secondary and post 16 levels. Subjects include: Salvation Army, Cyber bullying, Faith Hope Love, Jesus, Resolving Conflict, Christmas, Relevance of the Bible, Women. Click on the image above to visit the website.


Truetube has good quality videos, lesson plans and assemblies for RE, PSHE and Citizenship lessons covering a wide range of topics. Click on the image above to visit the website.


Twinkl has loads of resources for all subjects including RE. Register to download many of the resources for free (some are only accessible if you pay to upgrade your membership). Click on the image above to visit the website.

Walk Through the Bible

Walk Through the Bible brings the Bible to life. Their interactive, innovative and engaging style invites people into the story. Every 9-11 year old child can know the storyline of the Old Testament through their free series of action-packed 20min videos. Sign up by clicking on the logo.

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