RE Resources
This resource is great for helping to understand the Bible's big picture with printable timelines. Most people learn piecemeal Bible history - jumping around from book to book, story to story. Sometimes it feels like the Bible is a giant puzzle that we never quite finish to reveal the big picture. Bible Study Timelines are designed to tie the Bible's history together so that events, people and places start to make sense as a whole. Click on the image to visit the website to view/purchase some timelines.
Guardians of Ancora is a free tablet game for 8 to 11 year-olds offering an immersive interactive experience of Bible stories. Children enter this virtual world as Guardians of the city, called Ancora, and their challenge is to find the Bible stories that have been lost. Click the image above to visit the website.
A gallery of thought-provoking images of biblical figures, from Moses to Jesus, as if they were taking selfies with modern day cameras/smartphones. The images use AI technology to reimagine biblical stories and characters in a way that will engage children and young people in a new way. Click on the title or image to visit the website.
Lots of great RE resources for primary and secondary levels. Click the image above to visit the website. They also have a termly mailing which you can receive if you sign up as a member.
SACRE stands for Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education.
SACRE is constituted by law to advise locally on RE. It has the following duties:
To convene an Agreed Syllabus Conference to revise and recommend to us a local Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (RE) for all maintained schools age 4 to 19 in Sheffield.
Monitor the provision of RE in Sheffield schools, preparing an annual report to send to the National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education.
Advise Sheffield schools on Collective worship and consider requests from Head teachers for a determination to lift the requirement for it to be in the main Christian.
Advise Sheffield Schools on matters related to Religious Education and Collective Worship that arise from time to time.
Support Community Cohesion within the city.
SACRE meets 3 times each year, at various venues around the city. It is composed of 4 committees each with one vote with a casting vote held by the Chair. It may co-opt members from time to time who have no vote.
Click on the logo to find out more.